Meet the people we support

‘Every day Life Heroes’ was a phrase coined by one of our volunteers, everyday the people we support (students) battle with a variety of different difficulties and yet they work to improve the world around them and the lives of people in their communities. You will never meet a nicer, kinder and more loving bunch of people in such a small space, everyone works and cares for each other and gives the best of themselves everyday.

Here are just a small number of the people we support.

Liz (Lizzie)

Liz is a warm and kind person, she is always happy to help and thinks of others.

As a member of our student committee, Liz is always contributing to new ideas and projects, she was the first person to think of the safety aspect of having students full names on the Dale Farm Trust website, so it was agreed to use first names only.

Liz likes weeding, which is really handy as we get lots of them growing on the farm. Liz also likes making Christmas wreaths, which we make and sell on the farm.

Liz is undertaking a pilot scheme on the Open Awards Certificate in Horticulture with support from volunteers Colin and Coral.


Steve is always smiling and gets involved in growing plants and vegetables, manure bagging, log splitting and many other jobs around the farm, you name it he will have a go at it. Steve likes to stop and chat and will brighten up anyone’s day.

Steve has been on the farm for approximately 15 years; he is pictured in the log splitting shed, which is his favourite job on the farm. Steve’s absolute worst job is bagging manure as he hates the literal sinking feeling you get when standing on piles of manure.

As a member of our student committee, Steve is always coming up with new ideas, he has come up with a lot of ideas for blogs and we hope that he will get involved in writing new articles for everyone to read and enjoy.


You will never meet a friendlier guy, Rob is always asking about other people, is keen to see how your day/week has gone and is perhaps the most positive person you will ever meet. If your ever having a bad day, talking to Rob for a few minutes will soon cheer you up.

Rob has been on the farm for approximately 6 years and when you ask him what jobs he doesn’t like doing on the farm, he will shake his head and say that there are no jobs he doesn’t like.


Genuine human kindness is the phrase that comes to mind when you talk to Martin. He really thinks about other people and wants to know as much as he can about you. Take the time to talk to Martin and your faith in human nature will automatically be restored; you will never meet a more wonderfully warm person.

Martin has been on the farm for 30 years and has a beaming smile no matter what work he undertakes on the farm. Like many people he is happy to do any jobs about the farm and enjoys feeling part of the team around him.


Paul is smart, cheeky, funny and cares about everyone on the farm. Physically he has a lot to deal with but it never stops him getting involved with projects on the farm. You can’t help but admire Paul’s perseverance and determination. He has an amazing 1:1 support with Jean who has known Paul most of his life.

Paul has been on the farm for 10 years. He is undertaking a pilot scheme on the Open Awards Certificate in Horticulture with support from volunteers Colin and Coral. Paul is vice-chair of the student committee and works hard to try to implement new ideas and projects.

Formerly Paul was at Reaseheath college undertaking an RHS award in horticulture.


Nathan is a quiet, thoughtful, gentle and creative lad, who likes making useful things in our workshop. Once you talk to Nathan about something he loves, he opens up with enthusiasm, reflecting with you on shared experiences.

Nathan loves bowling; here he is showing off his bowling ball rack that he just finished making. With bowling scores of over 200 he is not the man you want to tackle at the bowling alley.

Nathan enjoys using his creativity in our workshop, he works closely with Chris and Barry, who are great mentors. It clear that Nathan gets a great sense of achievement from working on projects around the farm, he is valued for his hard work, determination and caring nature.


Tomas is supported by his 1:1 carer John.  Tomas looks to John for guidance, and it is clear they have a caring friendship.  Tomas has been on the farm for 17 years and enjoys the companionship gained with those around him.  Tomas shows kindness to his friends, has a beautiful spirit and it is clear the farm offers the structure and focus that he needs.

Like many of the people we support log splitting is amongst his favourite jobs.  Tomas is creative and enjoys time in the craft room, he made the most amazing wreath that John was particularly jealous of as it was better than his.

Time and patience are what is required to really get to know Tomas, he is often quiet, but like many of people we support if you put the effort in the rewards are amazing.  Tomas has a great interest in churches and cathedrals – all the better if they sell tea and cake.  Tomas particularly enjoys a good cuddle with Arthur, one of our doggy volunteers.


Rob is a and cheeky chappie who knows his own mind. Rob has a keen interest in what is happening around the farm and loves having his photo taken. He is a great guy to talk to and has kept himself fit working on the farm; he is as strong as an ox and is certainly the go to guy if you need a bag of compost lifting.

He keeps himself busy outside farm life and particularly enjoys doing large jigsaws.

Rob is almost competing with Martin for the longest running member of our farm team (approximately 25-30 years). Rob has seen a lot of changes on the farm over the years and still enjoys his time here. He doesn’t have any jobs that he doesn’t like, but his favourite jobs are those that involve using machinery such as log splitting and he particularly enjoys strimming.


Ben is beautifully gentle, quietly spoken with a kind and warm heart. Ben gets along with everyone on the farm and is blessed with lots of friends who he cares for.

Ben enjoys socialising and is thought of very highly by his peers. He never seems to have bad days and is always happy, busily working away. Ben comes to the farm two days a week and then spends time at the Heswall Day Centre too.

Football is one of Ben’s biggest passions, he supports Tranmere and looks forward to going to football matches.

Ben enjoys crafts and other creative jobs around the farm.


John is funny, has a marvellous sense of humour, chatty, curious and has an amazing character. John is very perceptive and tries hard to understand others needs and difficulties.

John is a real grafter, he is reliable and puts his heart and soul into any task he is given. John loves many of the jobs that the lads like to do, such as log splitting and deliveries, he also loves doing the dishes, which is great!

There is nothing more that John likes to do than chat and learn more about people. John has an open heart, has a wonderfully mischievous personality and if you every need a job doing, John is your man.


Rob has one of the most heart warming smiles that you will every see and his smile is as warm and loving as heart. Rob is always asking questions, remembers events in everyone’s lives and wants to ensure your wellbeing.

Rob is one of the longest standing members of the farm having been here since 2003 and works hard to overcome his physical difficulties. There is no task that Rob loves more than hoovering and we mean he loves to hoover! Rob also enjoys log splitting and being around people.

Whenever you arrive on the farm, Rob always comes to greet you, asking questions about your life. Rob is pretty quiet, but don’t think for one minute he isn’t listening or paying attention, he remembers everything! The rewards are great if you spend the time getting to know Rob.


Sofie is gregarious, friendly, confident and thoughtful. She has been on the farm for over 10 years and out of all the activities and hobbies she has, she said that the farm is her favourite place to be.

Sophie wants to ensure that people are included and she considers the wellbeing of everyone around her.

One thing the farm suffers from is lots of weeds, fortunately, Sophie loves weeding – but she likes to steer clear of bagging manure. Sophie contributes a lot by bringing people together, focusing on her tasks and is an absolute delight to work with and chat too.

Sophie loves socialising with family and friends, parties, going to Makaton (a sign and sing group) and doing jigsaws. Like many of the people we support, she has an excellent support network outside the farm and has a full and busy life.