What we Produce

We produce a wide range of products across our farm, many are seasonable, so availability varies. Everything is produced with love and care by everyone at the farm. We have bi-annual plant sale events, towards the end of spring and in the autumn, where we have fun, food and entertainment; please keep an eye on our events page for more details.

Dale Farm shop is open Monday – Friday, 10am – 2pm, please feel free to contact us for availability.

Plants, fruit and veg and honey

Our day-to-day activities include planting and growing organic fruit and vegetables in our fields and polytunnels, we also grow plants, tubs and hanging baskets. Our farm shop is open to the public every weekday selling our own fruit, vegetables and award-winning honey produced using our own hives.

Hanging baskets and plants
Fruit and veg

Bespoke woodworking and crafts

We have a specialist workshop that is used to make bespoke products for anyone in the community and for projects here on the farm. Safety is our highest priority, and we have a trained team of volunteers and staff. We encourage the people we support by slowly building their confidence in order to fulfil their potential.

If you have a project you want help with, just come down to the farm and ask for one of our workshop team who will be happy to help or contact us.

Manure, split logs and wood chip

We have locally sourced, well-rotted manure delivered to our farm on a regular basis.

Our farm team split logs and store and age the wood ready for your log burners. We also bag wood chip ready for sale and use in your garden.

You can collect or we deliver locally for a small charge. If you want larger quantities, we are happy to help with that too. Contact us for any help or support you need; we are always happy to help.